If you are using Credly to award digital badges, great news: you can also use CredSpark to determine who has earned a particular badge. 

How to set up CredSpark and Credly integration

Before starting, make sure you have Admin rights within your CredSpark account as only Admins can make these changes. 

Next, go to your Credly account and find your Organization's ID and an Authorization Token. 

Once you have these credentials, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Admin Settings" section in your CredSpark account.
  2. Choose the "Integrations" tab and click on the "Connect" button on Credly Integration.
  3. Provide the Organization's ID and an Authorization Token details in the required fields and click "Save." If you  want to test the integration using your Credly Sandbox first. In that case, check the “Use sandbox” box. 
  4. Once your integration is set up, you'll see a "Connected" label along with an "Edit" button.

How to award a badge

Once your integration is set up, get started by creating Scored or Outcome quizzes. After your quiz is created, go to the Motivation tab. A new option will appear: “Award a Credly Badge'':

Clicking the “Award a Credly Badge” button will open a new modal with a “Select Badge” dropdown. There you should see all badges available within your organization. Simply select which badge you want to award and that’s it!

Keep in mind that we only award badges for passing scores. You also have an option to use Outcomes or Score Ranges and map different badges to different outcomes/ranges. Once your badge is set up, go to our Results View tab so you can see how it looks and move the block if you’d like. 

How do your participants claim their badge

To claim a badge, your participants must provide their first name, last name, and email address. It is your responsibility to make sure that this information is collected and passed to CredSpark, otherwise, participants won’t be able to claim their badge. Once participants earn a badge they will either:

a) Receive an email invitation to join Credly and claim their badge (if this is their first Credly badge), or

b) Be awarded a badge in their existing Credly account

Disconnecting Integration

If you ever want to disconnect your integration, simply click the "Edit" button and disconnect the integration. This will stop CredSpark from syncing data with Credly.