Webhooks are the most common way to send data from CredSpark to Omeda. To begin, you’ll need to create a webhook in Omeda. Read here to learn how. Once you have your Omeda webhook, you can easily add it to a CredSpark interaction.

Adding an Omeda Webhook in CredSpark

Once your interaction is ready and you’ve set any attribute-related questions, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Data & Analytics tab.
  2. Click the Integrations button.

This will open the Omeda Integration modal, where you can configure the webhook.

Configuring the Webhook

In the Omeda Integration modal, you’ll have the following settings to consider:

  • Name (Optional): Assign a unique name to each webhook to make it easier to identify and reuse them for future interactions.
  • Webhook URL (Required): Paste your Omeda webhook URL here. You can also retrieve previously used webhooks. (More on that below.)
  • Webhook Trigger: Choose after which specific actions data should be sent to Omeda. Available options:
    • Completed: Sends data after the participant clicks "Finish" or answers the last question.
    • Registered: If registration is enabled, this sends data after the participant completes the interaction and answers registration questions.
    • Partial Responses: Sends data when a user starts but doesn’t complete the interaction, transmitting data collected up to the point of abandonment.
    • Reviewed: Sends data after manual review and score release (available only if you use the Manual Review feature).
  • Delimiter: By default, CredSpark uses commas to separate multiple answer choices. If your data includes commas, you can choose an alternative delimiter (e.g., semicolons) to ensure proper data transmission. Make sure to update Omeda's delimiter settings to match.
  • Active Toggle: Switch the Active Toggle to ON to ensure the webhook sends data to Omeda. If set to OFF, no data will be transmitted.

Field Mapping & Sending Only Mapped Fields

You can handle field mapping in two ways:

  • Giving Fields a Nickname: By default, CredSpark uses question IDs when sending data to Omeda. To make mapping easier, you can assign a “nickname” to any field. This simplifies the process by making field names more user-friendly.
  • Sending Only Mapped Fields: Instead of sending all data fields, you can choose to only send fields you map in the modal. To do this, enable the “Send Only Mapped Fields” checkbox. By default, this option is off, so CredSpark will send all available data unless you specify otherwise.
  • Important: After mapping your fields, you’ll need to send a test record and complete the mapping process in Omeda. Also, if you add new fields to an interaction later, make sure to map those fields in Omeda to keep data flowing smoothly.

How Reusing Webhooks and Mapped Fields Simplifies Your Process

The reusable webhook feature allows you to create a webhook once and reuse it across multiple interactions. This eliminates the need to set up a new webhook and remap data fields for each interaction—saving you time and effort. Simply map the fields (like email, job title, or company) once in Omeda, and those mappings will carry over to future interactions.

Additionally, this feature makes handling brand-specific behaviors easier by allowing you to map each interaction’s data to specific behaviors, ensuring accurate tracking across brands.

Additional Features

  • Copying Interactions: When you copy an interaction, all choices and integration settings will carry over automatically. The only action needed is to open the modal and activate the webhook.
  • Attributes and Mapping: If a question uses attributes, CredSpark will automatically add those attributes to the field mappings when the webhook is created. However, if you add a new attribute to an existing webhook, you will need to manually update the field mappings in Omeda to avoid disrupting the integration.