There are several ways you can track how an end user got to your quiz or survey. 

  1. You can add tracking information to a URL: use “?cred_tags=” or “&cred_tags=” if the URL already includes other parameters and whatever code you add after the equals sign will show up in the “Custom Tags” column on your Data tab.

            2. You can look at CredSpark’s “referring page” information, which captures the URL of the                     parent page on which our iframe is rendering. 

Note that if the interaction is embedded without using CredSpark’s regular embed code containing Javascript, the “parent” page captured will be 

  1. You can add “data-tags” to your embed code, as shown in the bold-face example below. Whatever you put between the “ “ will show in the Custom Tags column.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<div class="credsparkQuiz" data-quiz-id="share-test" data-tags="Credspark embed test"></div>

However, in circumstances where you cannot impact or control the embed code or the URL, you will need to rely on your analytics software to help you see where traffic came from. 

If you want to identify users coming from Facebook, for example, you can doctor the URL in that link in order to track that they came from that site. 

But if you are trying to track users from Google or another search, you will need to rely on your analytics software to track that person’s path to landing on the page where the CredSpark-powered interaction is. 

Note: if you are hosting the quiz, you will use “cred_tags,” but if the interaction is hosted on CredSpark’s website (which is rare but does occur) you should use “?tags” instead. If in doubt, please reach out to us and include the URL of the page where the quiz or survey will be hosted.  

Using Display Logic with Custom Tags

The next evolution in display logic is the ability to control what questions display based on already-known information about a participant. 

Say for example you want to send a post-event survey, and you want to deliver slightly different questions to speakers versus exhibitors versus attendees. You could create three different surveys, but that might make reporting harder than it needs to be, and what if there was only one or two differences in the questions? 

Instead, try using Custom Tags: 

For speakers:

For attendees:

For exhibitors:

Once you’re set up your Custom Tags, you can then use display logic with that custom tag as a trigger. 

For example, if you have a question regarding the ease of technology use that is only relevant to speakers, you can set up display logic to ensure that only participants with the Custom Tag ‘speaker’ will see this question. This allows for a more streamlined and relevant survey experience, ensuring that respondents are only presented with questions that pertain to their experience.

To set up the logic, open the question modal  and switch to the 'Display Logic' tab. Select the 'Custom Tag' from the options and enter the tag that corresponds to the group for whom the question should be visible: