By default, CredSpark adds the fields "First Name," "Last Name," and "Email" to our "Registration" tab. You can, however, deploy those fields in the Create/Edit tab of an interaction--you just have to delete them from the "Registration" tab, first. 

Please read on for more information on Registration, or check out our article on Attributes for more info on how FN, LN, and email fields can be set up. 

Our Registration tab has the same questions types as you'll find in an interaction, as well as fields that are prioritized to capture leads and other individual data such as:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Country Select
  • State/Province Select
  • Year Select

You can also use Skip Logic and Page Breaks on the registration tab so you can route participants through a personalized experience to collect exactly the information you need from each person.

Country, State/Province, and Year will be displayed as Dropdown questions.