Want to apply a background image and not sure which size images to pick? We're here to help!

A quick reminder: you can add a background image to your interaction by navigating to the Design tab --> Frame subtab --> Background image:

If you want to use a background image in your interaction, you should first consider your audience: will most respondents engage in your interaction via phone, laptop/desktop, or 50/50 (50% phone / 50% laptop or desktop)?

Phone and 50/50 (or you're not sure)

If via phone or 50/50, we suggest using at least a 1280 X 1280 resolution image as your background image since this will cover both mobile and laptop/desktop views. It's a bare minimum option.

Yet, we suggest using a 1920 X 1920 image resolution since it's probably the safest option. 


Suppose you are sure that the majority will be engaging via laptop/desktop. In that case, we suggest using at least a 1280 x 720 image resolution since this is a good starting point for a background image without pixelating it for an average user. 

Our suggested size would be a 1920 X 1080 resolution image since this is the most optimal size for the background image and covers most users without pixelating it on their screen.

NOTE: Currently, there is a file size limit of 1 MB. If you have a bigger file size than it's allowed, you will need to compress it with any available tools online. One of the options could be using this software: https://imagecompressor.com/