People love taking quizzes that reveal something about them and their place in the world. What people learn may be professionally relevant, or just plain fun. At CredSpark, the type of quiz used to generate a profile or a recommendation for someone (vs. a numeric score) is called an Outcome Quiz.
Outcome Quizzes are a great opportunity to engage your audience at a very personal level, to help reveal their preferences, to give them insights, and to guide their decision-making. The main idea is pretty simple: a person answers questions, and his or her pattern of answers puts them into a specific category (outcome) at the end of the quiz, with a description of that outcome, and suggestions on what to do next.
To create and publish an Outcome Quiz complete the following steps:
- Create a Quiz
- Add Outcomes
- Add Questions
- Customize the Design
- Preview & Publish
- Step One: Create a Quiz
To create your first Outcome Quiz select the “NEW” button in the upper-right corner of your account.
The pop-up window allows you to choose the type of quiz:
To start, hover over "Outcome Quiz" and click “Create New”. Once you select the quiz, you will be directed to the “Create/Edit” tab where you can enter the title and the internal notes of the quiz:
Don’t forget to save this information by selecting the “Save” button.
After the quiz title and summary are entered, you can start creating the outcomes. To do so go to the “Outcomes” tab which you can find next to the “Edit” tab (see above).
The “Description” section is where you give your participant an understanding of the profile, category, or course of action into which they fit, based upon their answers. We recommend being sufficiently descriptive so as to resonate with the person when they read it. (Ideally, they think to themselves, ‘Yep, that sounds like me.’)
In the “Question Text” section you can format text to bold, italicize, underline, hyperlink. You can also add emojis to question and answer text to make it more engaging? Additional font/color editing can be done in “Design”. We will discuss that in the “Customize the Design” step.
The “Post-Quiz Suggestions for Participants” are optional, but strongly recommended. We think they’re a great opportunity for you to help guide your quiz participant at the moment when she gains some insight about herself and/or her needs.
Once you are done creating your first outcome select the “Create Outcome” button. When your outcome is written and saved you can edit it, add an image to it, or delete it using the icons in the lower-right corner of each outcome:
Note: You will find the same functions in the "Questions" section as well.
Then you can create additional Outcomes that represent different categories someone might fall into, or different courses of action you’d recommend.
Step Three: Add Questions
To add questions you will need to come back to the “Edit” tab and select the “Add Question” button which is located under the quiz title and summary. You will see this modal appear:
You can add as many answer choices as you want and by pressing "+Add"
You can easily change the answer position by dragging an answer choice up or down.
Note: While formulating the answer for each question, make sure that each answer choice is mapped to at least one outcome. This will determine which outcome is shown to each participant after they complete the quiz.
Here’s how CredSpark determines which Outcome each person gets: You can think of each outcome tagged to an answer choice as being equivalent to 1 vote. As the person answers each question, their “votes” are added up. Whichever Outcome receives the most votes by the quiz-taker will be the Outcome presented to her at the end. (In the case of a tie - where 2 or more different Outcomes each receives the same total number of votes - CredSpark will randomly select one of those top vote-getting Outcomes.
If a particular answer choice could equally apply to more than one Outcome, don’t spend too much time trying to pick one - instead, just tag that answer choice with each Outcome that applies.
Once you are done creating your question select the “Create Question” button.
Step Three: Customize the Design
In the “Design” tab you are able to Customize Your Quiz. You can change text font, size, color, button style as well as background color to perfectly match your site, so the quiz appears to be a completely native part of your site:
Step Four: Preview & Publish
Before publishing a quiz, try it out in the “Preview” mode. You can find it in the upper-right corner of your account page or in the bottom-right corner.
Preview mode is a great function that allows you and your colleagues to see how your quiz will appear when published and embedded in your site. You can share the link (simply copy the “Preview” URL) with your team so others can test the quiz and leave their feedback in the comments section.
After you’ve reviewed and made your last changes it is time to bring your quiz to life. To do so you need to select the “Publish” link, which you can find right next to the “Preview” link.
Last, but not least, embed the quiz into your site. You can find the embed code in the “Deliver tab. For more detailed instructions on how to embed your interaction to a website, click here. If you want to embed your interaction's 1st question into an email, click here.
Furthermore, you can get a Direct Link and set the Open and Close Dates
Hurray! You just learned how to publish your first Outcome Quiz.