CredSpark has several methods of content customization available, including both Skip Logic and Display Logic. They might seem like they’re almost the same thing, but Skip Logic allows you to move users around to various questions while Display Logic changes the questions that are presented to the user. Check out the Use Cases section below to learn more about how Display Logic can work for you.

Display Logic can help to make your interaction more personalized, more efficient, and more elegantly designed, as you can display questions only to participants for whom they are relevant.

In the example below, the “Please enter your email” field displays on clicking “Email”; “Please enter your phone number” could display if a person chose “Phone”.

You can apply to Skip Logic in the “Add/Edit Question” modal by going to the “Display Logic” tab:

Display Logic is different from Skip Logic in that you can choose to remove the page break between questions and have the second question display dynamically. So, you don’t see the “enter email” field until you select email. 

Display Logic can only be used when you have more than one question in an interaction and Display Logic CAN NOT be applied to Slides, Drag & Drop questions, or Matrix questions

Use Case:

Respond to an answer choice on the same screen: you can use Skip Logic to show the “Enter email” field, but you need a page break. If you’re feeling fancy, use Display Logic to keep everything on the same screen.

Display Logic for multi-select questions

Want to allow users to choose more than one answer AND use Display Logic? You have the choice to use EITHER ''is one of the following” OR “is exactly equal to” when setting up Display Logic: let’s take a look at how “is one of the following” works. 

Check this out: image you want a user to indicate all the things they would like to learn more about: 

Let’s say a respondent selects “Quick dinner recipes” and “Party appetizers” You then could display specific questions to gather more information: 

We understand that Display Logic can get complicated. Don’t forget to use Display Logic Preview to help you out:

PRO TIP: Use Display Logic in the Results View to provide personalized feedback to your audience–maybe share some healthy dinner recipes, if that’s what your users are looking for, or a link to ideas for apps to bring to a BBQ or a picnic! Read more here

Tips & Tricks

TIP: Avoid using Display Logic on scored questions--if a participant doesn’t see a scored question, that question will be counted as incorrect. Save Display Logic for unscored or survey questions only. 

TIP: Start small: maybe you just need Display Logic to help you surface the right acknowledgment text to a user from California versus Canada. 

TRICK: Customize your interaction to match your site’s brand look and to create a really authentic, native experience that feels completely organic to your brand!

IMPORTANT: Please note that making changes to the question order or deleting questions in your interaction can potentially impact the logic you have set up. To avoid any issues, we recommend adding logic only after you have finished editing your interaction. Always preview the interaction to test all possible logic paths before sending it out. Responses aren't recorded when previewing.

Using Display Logic with Custom Tags

The next evolution in display logic is the ability to control what questions display based on already-known information about a participant. 

Say for example you want to send a post-event survey, and you want to deliver slightly different questions to speakers versus exhibitors versus attendees. You could create three different surveys, but that might make reporting harder than it needs to be, and what if there was only one or two differences in the questions? 

Instead, try using Custom Tags: 

For speakers:

For attendees:

For exhibitors:

Once you’re set up your Custom Tags, you can then use display logic with that custom tag as a trigger. 

For example, if you have a question regarding the ease of technology use that is only relevant to speakers, you can set up display logic to ensure that only participants with the Custom Tag ‘speaker’ will see this question. This allows for a more streamlined and relevant survey experience, ensuring that respondents are only presented with questions that pertain to their experience.

To set up the logic, open the question modal  and switch to the 'Display Logic' tab. Select the 'Custom Tag' from the options and enter the tag that corresponds to the group for whom the question should be visible: