Phase I: Make the Connection, Omeda → CredSpark

Once you supply CredSpark with your Omeda company abbreviation and API key, any user who is recognized by Omeda, whether that’s because they came from an email or they are known on your site, and then engages with a CredSpark-powered interaction (one click is all it takes) will automatically have their encrypted customer ID (ECID), first name, last name, and email populate in CredSpark’s Data tab.

Why? This one is simple: learn more about known audience members without having to put up “gates” requesting a person’s contact information. 

Use cases: 

  1. Embed the first question of an interaction in an email.
  2. Embed a quiz or survey or poll in a page on your site. 
  3. Embed a full interaction in a personalization modal.*


    1. Create your interaction, hit “Publish” in CredSpark. Grab the FULL QUIZ embed code from the “Deliver” tab, then put it somewhere on your site–can be anywhere!

    2. If you want to put the first question in an email, you’ll need the full experience to be on your site somewhere (i.e. not in a modal). Paste the URL of that page into our “embed Q1 in email” field, then use the resultant code in your email!

    3. To embed EITHER the full interaction or ONLY the first question in an Omeda personalization modal, navigate to "Omeda personalization" and choose the appropriate embed code. Read more here

Phase II: Send Data Back, CredSpark → Omeda

So you’ve got an interaction out there collecting information–great! Now let’s say you’re ready to create an interaction that will return some of that data being collected to Omeda. 

There are two ways you can send data FROM CredSpark TO Omeda. The first is SFTP, which we don’t recommend; the second is webhooks. 

If you need SFTP, please contact us; here’s how to use webhooks:

  1. Create your interaction in CredSpark, get it all nice and final, then hit “Publish.”
  2. Create a webhook in Omeda. 
  3. Go to the “Data” tab in CredSpark, then scroll down to find the “Integrations” button.
  4. Click it and paste in your webhook. 

You will then need to map the fields you want returned to Omeda: please check with your Omeda rep for the best way to do that. Many clients simply submit a test record and then use the data coming in to do the mapping. 

NOTE: By default, we use question IDs when sending data from CredSpark to Omeda via webhook. However, question IDs aren’t always user-friendly, which is why we offer the option to add a “nickname” to each field you want to map, which should greatly simplify the process in Omeda. Learn more here.

NOTE: Once a webhook is set, CredSpark will send Omeda all data shown in the CredSpark “Response Details” report. You do NOT need to map back all fields of data you’re collecting–you can grab only that which is relevant/useful to you. 

Why do this? Here are a few examples:

  1. Augment profiles for KNOWN users–collect additional demographic information or information that can be used to shunt a user into a custom Odyssey or other campaign!
  2. Convert UNKNOWN users to KNOWN users–if Omeda does not recognize the person and you collect FN/LN/Email from them using CredSpark, you can choose to have Omeda create a new record for that person (when setting up your mapping). (If you want that new ENCID returned to CredSpark, see “Rapid Identification,” below.)

Registration Tab Decisions

You may have noticed that CredSpark’s Registration tab has two checkboxes for display: 

If you check ONLY the first box, and the ONLY fields in your Registration form are FN/LN/Email, the ONLY users who are not recognized by Omeda will see this form. 

If you check this first box but add additional fields beyond FN/LN/Email, then known users WILL see the form, but will have FN/LN/Email pre-populated. 

If you check BOTH registration boxes, then all users will see the reg form regardless of the questions in it. Known users will continue to have FN/LN/Email pre-populated. 

Phase III: Exchange Data in Real Time, aka Rapid Identification

You’re ready to move to the next level: Rapid Identification. In order to set this up, you will need to provide CredSpark with a Product ID from your Omeda rep.

Here’s how Rapid ID works: Omeda tracks all your website visitors. Known visitors are assigned a unique encrypted ID (oly_enc_id). Unknown visitors are assigned an anonymous encrypted ID (oly_anon_id) which still allows Omeda to track their activity on your website.

If an unknown visitor provides his/her email to CredSpark, CredSpark will send this information to Omeda to see if this email already exists in the database. CredSpark will either receive an existing encrypted ID (if the email is already in the database) or new one (if the email hasn’t been used before) and update this user’s encrypted ID to a known one. 

Why? This Rapid ID allows you to update a browser cookie so that you will now have not just the user’s behavior from the moment they “convert,” but for all previous activity in that session. 

NOTE: Browser cookie updates will NOT be made unless a Product ID has been provided to CredSpark. Once that ID has been provided, this Rapid Identification process will happen automatically for any interaction containing a registration form, regardless of webhook status. 

NOTE: We recommend using CredSpark’s regular “Embed on Website” code for the best results. You can still embed a full experience in a personalization modal (using HTML) but HTML will not allow browser cookie updates. (Embedding Q1 in an email or modal is fine, as long as the end user finishes their experience on a page containing the JavaScript embed code.)


Q: What happens if a known user makes a change to the FN/LN/Email shown in the form? 

A: This is up to you/Omeda. You can have a new record created and later do merge, for example.

Q: What’s the difference between HTML embed code and the….other one?

A: The main difference between the HTML code and CredSpark’s regular embed code is that the latter contains Javascript code updating the height of the iframe. With regular HTML code clients have to set the height manually and optionally change the design of the pages and the results page to make everything a similar height. Our HTML code defaults to 550px and has scrolling enabled; you can change these settings as necessary. 

Q: Does the webhook work when an interaction is embedded in a Personalization modal?

A: Yes, a webhook works independently from the delivery method as long as it is set up.

Q: Can I test a survey or quiz without having to embed it on my site?

A: Yes! You can use CredSpark’s direct link to collect dummy responses and confirm everything is working as designed. When you’re done, go to the “Data & Analytics” tab in CredSpark, select the dummy records, then right-click to delete them from the database.

Q: Tell me again about the Registration fields? 

A: These are the situations when Registration fields are NOT pre populated and/or skipped for respondents:

  1. They fill out a registration form within CredSpark interaction for the first time
  2. They complete an interaction using a different browser
  3. They complete an interaction using a different computer
  4. They clear their cookies on their browser
  5. They are completing an interaction using incognito mode
  6. They use browser plugins that block/remove cookies
  7. If there is a registration question (this includes Slides and CAPTCHA-type questions) that is anything other than First Name, Last Name, or Email): in that case, the registration form will NOT be skipped (but those 3 fields will be pre-populated).