November, 2024 Product Release Notes
Release Highlights
LIVE MODE enhancements
Easier Navigation
We have enhanced navigation between questions, allowing you to move between them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons, even while they are still in progress. This improvement gives facilitators greater control during the session. If a facilitator accidentally switches to the next question, they can easily return to the previous one.
Participants and Answers
We have implemented a new feature that allows you to see the total number of participants who have answered each question. If a participant leaves during a question—regardless of whether they answered or not—they will still be included in the participant total for that specific question.
For example, if the display indicates 3/3 participants have joined and answered a question, and one person leaves, the count will remain at 3/3 for that question. If a new user joins afterward, the count will update to reflect 3/4 participants.
Additionally, the participant count will be adjusted in the following question. For instance, if Question 1 shows 3/3 answered but one user has left, the display for the next question will show 0/2 to accurately reflect the change.
To learn more about other LIVE MODE features, see this article.
For Omeda Integration Clients:
If you don't use the Omeda integration, feel free to skip ahead!
The Omeda webhook default value has been updated from “uuid” to “user_uuid” to enhance clarity and consistency. Additionally, please be aware that sending webhook data will now experience a slight delay. This adjustment ensures that the “user_uuid” is accurately appended to each record.
For Degreed CredSpark+ Clients:
If you are not Degreed CredSpark+ Client, feel free to skip this part!
SCORM functionality is now enabled for all Degreed CredSpark+ users, enhancing your learning experience and providing greater flexibility in content delivery.
To learn more about it, see this article.